Music Analysis #1

Everybody's Gotta Live- A Musical Analysis Blog

Everybody's Gotta Live- Love, 1974, California, USA

Click the link above to hear the song

     When you think of psychedelic rock I bet you would immediately think of Jimi Hendrix. Who is one of my all-time favorite artists. Sadly, today I will not be talking about one of the many masterpieces Jimi Hendrix has created. I will be talking about the 60's/70's rock band called Love. Although, they are not as famous as other rock bands from their era of music. The major reason Love gets the recognition that they have. Stems from being one of the first diverse rock bands to hit major headlines. The band did go through a lot of controversy between each other. They only really lasted for their first two albums. From then, they went through many changes within the band. Then, for some years, the band turned into just Arthur Lee and fill-in artists. Although, the band did not reach the top of the record boards. They did end up being nominated into the grammy's hall of fame. Which is one of the top honors in the music industry.


    The lyrics throughout the song are quite simple. As he repeats the chorus 6 times throughout the song. Now I know that does not sound amazing to people. He uses it to break apart a conversation he is having with a loved one. From what he experienced that day. I feel as it is reaffirming to the listener that you are just going through life. Does not matter how you go about it, just as long as you are happy.


    Now in the song "Everybody's Gotta Live" has a simple repeating rhythm throughout the song. Which I cannot get enough of. It is one of the most simple songs that I have come across. That does not need anything else added to it. Which is what I find so fascinating about the song. 


    Arthur Lee's vocals mixed with the simple chords of the guitar. Are what makes the whole song's melody. Which makes it so simple and beautiful. Every time I hear the first strum of the guitar I instantly know what song is about to play. Since the song has such a unique melody to it. 

    Funny enough, I am not the only blogger to post about this song. The Aquarium Drunkard has made his own piece about the song. He shares very similar thoughts as I do about the song. It goes to show "Everybody's Gotta Live" is one of Arthur Lee's masterpieces. It does not get the recognition it deserves. But it is nice seeing other people do really appreciate this piece of work. I should pay tribute to the person who showed me this song. The one and only Mac Miller who released his own version of the song. In the album Circles, he pays tribute to the song in "Everybody" which he creates his own instrumental for the song. But uses the same lyrics with a couple of added adlibs into it.


Drunkard, Aquarium. "Sevens." Sevens, 10 Dec. 2008,

Love (Band). 9 Feb. 2007, Accessed 30 Dec. 2020.


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