The Vibrant Life That Music Creates

 Smells Like Teen Spirit-Nirvana, 1991, USA

Mind Playing Tricks on Me-Geto Boys, 1991, USA

    Music is something I believe we cannot live without in this world. Imagine a world where there is no music in it. Well, for me I simply can't since there is not one day I do not have some type of music playing in the background. Hopefully, you are the same way as me. Where music is so embedded in your life you cannot live without it. Although, if you can imagine a world without music think about how bleak that world is. From getting hype to go into the gym and workout or even just trying to change your mood. For me, without music, it would make these tasks a lot harder. Music can change a lot of lives daily that it makes our lives as vibrant as they can be.

    Smells like teen spirit is one of those songs that can get me hyped up for the gym. With the iconic first three chords of the guitar to start the song. Can just get your blood pumping to get ready to start lifting. No matter what mood I am in this song can get dialed in for the gym. The song's structure goes back and forth from loud to quiet with its volume and dynamics. This is what makes this song so perfect for getting ready for the gym. One of my favorite elements of this song is the chord progression lines up with the chorus. Cobain lines up "Hello" with the same two notes on the beat of the song. Which just adds to the hype factor of the song. See what I am saying on how music can make our lives more vibrant?

    Smells like teen spirit was created with one of the best punk rock albums of all time. As you would guess the song was created as a revolutionary meaning to rebel. There was no real reason to rebel at the time of the creation of the song. It was more of a rebelling against your parents since that was what punk rock is.

Mind playing tricks on me is one of my all-time favorite songs. It helps remind me I am not the only one going through trouble. Even my trouble are not even that bad compared to others. The lyrics have so much meaning to them since the rappers are expressing their feelings. He articulated his words to where you knew how he was feeling through his lyrics. Which is something you would not think of a gangster doing at the time. Scarface is the main writer of the song where he uses his wordplay so uniquely. The song also uses a continuous beat that works so perfectly with the lyrics. Which was pretty common at the time for rap music was at its early stages. The beat also stems from a blues song where they sampled the song to create the beat. 

    Mind playing tricks on me was created during a time where it was tough to be a black person. Well, I guess it is always tough being a black person in this world if you really think about it. But, when this song was released at the time it was during the crack era of the ghetto. That a lot of black people were being traumatized by what they saw on the streets. From people to easily getting addicted to drugs or turf wars that were happening pretty severely at the time. This song was able to show the emotional side of the hustle. Which was the first for its time that helped change rap for a short period of time.

    In conclusion, music can either humble me from my problems or from the opposite side get me hyped for the gym. Which for me shows that music can make my life vibrant in all sorts of ways. Which I could not be more enthusiastic about in life.


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